Breast Augmentation

logo cruz y corazón características tratamiento blanco

Medical discharge

24 - 48 hours

Length of treatment

2 hours

duración características tratamiento blanco
logo recuperación características tratamiento blanco

Labor and social recovery

2 weeks

Type of anesthesia

General Anesthesia

Anestesia características tratamiento blanco
duración resultados características tratamiento blanco

Duration of results


Time of year

All year round

calendario características tratamiento blanco


aumento de pecho y elevación de pecho en valenciaElevación y aumento de pecho en Valencia

Breast augmentation is without doubt the most demanded plastic surgery procedure in Spain at the present time. Patient ages range from 18-20 to 50 years old with some exceptions at both ends.

This is a procedure that brings about a much greater psychological impact than it would seem at first glance. Why would a woman undergo a surgical procedure to gain a bigger chest?

This is a question that could be perfectly answered by many women, while many men wouldn’t be able to adequately do so. A large part of a woman’s sense of femininity resides in the physical attributes of the female body: curves, contoured hips, a defined waist, rounded backside and legs, and of course a prominent chest. It is not about simply being a woman, but feeling evenmorelike a woman.

These and other reasons are responsible for the Breast Augmentation procedure having become the fastest growing Plastic Surgery operation worldwide in the last few years, the one which we plastic surgeons perform most often, and the one which provides the most satisfaction to our female patients. There is a phrase that every professional in this field with some years of practice knows well: ‘I should have got it done earlier’.

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