Eye Bag Fillers

logo cruz y corazón características tratamiento blanco

Medical discharge

Ambulatory medical treatment

Length of treatment

1 session - 30 min.

duración características tratamiento blanco
logo recuperación características tratamiento blanco

Visible results

Immediate results

Type of anesthesia

No anesthesia required

Anestesia características tratamiento blanco
duración resultados características tratamiento blanco

Duration of results

6 - 12 months

Time of year

All year round

calendario características tratamiento blanco
Eliminación de ojeras en Valencia

For the non-surgical removal of eye bags we offer the only Hyaluronic Acid-based treatment approved by the Spanish Health Authorities for this use: Redensity II. It softens the furrow under the eye bags in a most satisfactory manner.

The treatment is done on an outpatient basis (in our clinic). Effects are immediate and last about 6 to 12 months. It is a minimally invasive treatment, very well tolerated and quick to apply (the session lasts 30 minutes at most) allowing the patient to resume her normal life almost immediately.

Eye bag filler treatment is recommended for those people that don’t wish to undergo a surgical procedure or whose eye bags issues aren’t so pronounced as to merit such surgery.

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