Facial Dark Spots

logo cruz y corazón características tratamiento blanco

Medical discharge

Ambulatory medical treatment

Length of treatment

30 min. - several sessions

duración características tratamiento blanco
logo recuperación características tratamiento blanco

Visible results


Type of anesthesia

No anesthesia required

Anestesia características tratamiento blanco
duración resultados características tratamiento blanco

Duration of results


Time of year

All year round

calendario características tratamiento blanco
Eliminación manchas de la cara en Valencia

Spots or pigmented lesions can be successfully eliminated through laser removal or chemical peel treatments. The doctor will recommend the most appropriate type of treatment depending on the patient’s skin and spot types.


Premium Therapy

Tratamiento hidratación facial en Valencia

Facial Spot removal

After a personalized analysis and study of the patient’s case we devise a custom complementary therapy that enhances and maximizes the effects of our laser and skin peel facial spot removal treatment, achieving better, more satisfying results.

Please request a consultation to receive a thorough explanation of our Premium Therapy services.

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