Breast Reduction

logo cruz y corazón características tratamiento blanco

Medical discharge

24 hours

Length of treatment

2 - 3 hours

duración características tratamiento blanco
logo recuperación características tratamiento blanco

Labor and social recovery

10 - 15 days

Type of anesthesia

General Anesthesia

Anestesia características tratamiento blanco
duración resultados características tratamiento blanco

Duration of results


Time of year

All year round

calendario características tratamiento blanco


Reducción de pecho en ValenciaPost-cirugía de reducción de pecho - Clínica Dual en Valencia

Breast Reduction Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the volume of the breast, reshaping it and elevating the areolar-nipple complex.

Due to the need to resect both skin and the mammary glands this technique produces scars that the surgeon will conceal as subtly as possible.

Who needs a Breast Reduction?

There are two fundamental reasons to recommend a Breast Reduction procedure:

  • The first is to decrease the effect of the weight of the breasts upon the spine, in order to diminish the back ache it can give the patient.
  • The second one is to aesthetically harmonize the breasts’ volume with the rest of the body’s shape.

To reshape the breasts and give them an harmonious shape that befits the patient’s anatomy, the surgeon performs anchor-shaped incisions tracing a vertical line from the areola downwards and a horizontal line at the fold under the breast. In most cases the areola will be kept joined to its blood vessels and nerves.

Breast reduction images

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